pflege ornithogalum dubium. Snědek (Ornithogalum dubium) pochází z Jižní Afriky. pflege ornithogalum dubium

 Snědek (Ornithogalum dubium) pochází z Jižní Afrikypflege ornithogalum dubium  Water lightly until top growth emerges, then moderately during the growing season

Tilføj til kurv. Phloroglucinol has been shown to have certain hormone-like properties in a variety of studies. Zur Gattung Ornithogalum zählen ungefähr 210 Arten, die in Afrika, Asien und Europa heimisch sind. The flowers are pollinated by a variety of insects, including bees and hoverflies. Ornithogalum are bulbous perennials with linear or strap-shaped basal leaves and racemes, sometimes contracted, of star-shaped or cup-shaped, white, yellow or orange flowers. " e poi, manco di gallo si tratta perché l’ornitogalo, una bulbosa appartenente al genere botanico Ornithogalum, è comunemente chiamata, per alcune specie, “latte di gallina” come indica lo stesso etimo del nome. ה סוג נץ חלב כולל 275 מינים של גאופיטים. In need of something. Blomsterne er grupperet i panikler og består af seks stjerneformede kronblade, der er. is an important commer cial crop for t he cut owe rs and potted plants mark et. Wenn die Blüten verblüht. Pruning techniques, sun exposure, potting containers, shade cloth, and artificial lighting all play a part in ensuring your plant gets enough light. March (weeks 42-09) Temperature: Day: 18˚ – 23˚ C Night: 7˚ – 12˚ C. If you wish to totally remove a clump do be sure to lift every part of the bulb, as the slightest section can quickly regrow. Eine ausführliche Pflegeanleitung gibt es hier: Ornithogalum dubium is a popular ornamental monocot native to South Africa with flower colors ranging from pure white to deep orange. The ideal location would provide bright, indirect light and temperatures around 15℃ (59℉) to ease it out of its resting period. 360° panoramic images. Handy) 2. Borders and edging are ideal for this 10-12-inch shrub. Top Size Bulbs Supplied. Ornithogalum is a genus from the Hyacinthaceae (Asparagaceae) family that. Gene editing based on the CRISPR/Cas9 system has recently been shown to hold potential for color improvement in ornamental flower crops. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. M. The flowers are yellow to orange and rarely white. To grow well it prefers sun - mostly sun and regular water. Ornithogalum Dubium’s orange, star shaped flowers bloom up a central spear at the top of a single stem. Each stem bears up to 16-20 starry. No a na záver, u nás túto rastlinu poznáme pod menom bledavka. Culorile, forma de stea si textura matasoasa a petalelor fac din Ornithogalum una dintre cele mai apreciate plante. Infobox OK Nimi-testi OK. Harmful if eaten. L. Flowering time: July-September. What Is The Ornithogalum Dubium? As mentioned, this flowering plant belongs to the family Asparagaceae whilst also being a perennial herb that produces bright orange, star-shaped flowers with a yellow center. Ash 4. Absinthe pond 5. Feel the soil with your fingers to ensure it is not too wet before watering. Minimum labor in production. It is a South African (Cape Province) endemic . O. Cava un hoyo y planta los bulbos a una profundidad de 15 centímetros y a una distancia de 15 centímetros. A narancssárga tejcsillagok illata finom és nagyon dekoratív. It contributes grassy texture to the garden. It is mainly grown for cut flowers and as flowering house plants. The flowers are grouped in panicles, and are composed of six star-shaped petals that are orange, white, or yellow. Ornithogalum are bulbous perennials with linear or strap-shaped basal leaves and racemes, sometimes contracted, of star-shaped or cup-shaped, white, yellow or orange flowers. But a standard cacti mix can also be used. 190 (1792) Bibliography; ×. Late spring, usually April–June, brings these stunning blossoms. Ursprung. Orange star plant (Ornithogalum dubium) is a striking flowering bulb garden plant. A narancsszínű madártej, vagy betlehem csillaga (Ornithogalum dubium) évelő, hagymás növény, amely Dél-Afrikában őshonos. La plantation s'effectue au printemps ou en fin d'été. The bulbs of Eucomis bicolor (Hyacinthoideae) yielded fourteen novel natural compounds, including (17S)-3-oxo-24,25,26,27,28-pentanorlanost-8-en-23,17α-olide, whose. Ornithogalum Dubium plants do not require a lot of fertilizer, but providing the plant with the right amount of nutrients can help promote its growth and health. Cylindrisk klase med 5-25 blomster. Once established, ornithogalum requires minimal care. It is mainly grown for cut flowers and as flowering house plants. dubium are the most popular with their remarkable long-lasting white, yellow, and orange flowers. The integuments are biseriate. dubium: a: Cell clusters of Ornithogalum grown in liquid medium 206 in darkness prior to the bombardment. It is also quite drought-tolerant and is able to withstand periods of dryness. In lack of light, use Bonzi (paclobutrazol). Leaves begin to droop and fade as the flower stems (6-8") rise in late spring to early summer, each stem. SIMPLE BEAUTY AT HOME. Somatic embryogenesis in Solanum betaceum (tamarillo) has proven to be an effective model system for studying morphogenesis, since optimized plant regeneration protocols are available, and embryogenic competent cell lines can be induced from different explants. But a standard cacti mix can also be used. 5k) Sale Price $6. It is mainly grown for cut flowers and as flowering house plants. Ornithogalum dubium, commonly called star o. Cultivation. Dubium is not as hardy as the other varieties so best to plant in pots and protect over winter. Loài (species) O. Wait for the plant to grow to a significant height and then spread the fertilizer around the plant’s stems. Bulbs for 100's of clients in the last 20 years. Rostlina má nádherné oranžové a velmi působivé květy. Methods and resultsOrnithogalum dubium Lourdes. are ornamental geo-phytes in the Asparagaceae family. and Ornithogalum dubium Houtt. Ornithogalum dubium nesie drobné miskovité. Wait for the plant to grow to a significant height and then spread the fertilizer. Vergeet niet dat Ornithogalum dubium giftig is! Zorg ervoor dat gesneden stukken niet in de handen van kinderen komen. It is native to Europe, West Asia, and North Africa, with the highest species diversity in the Mediterranean region. Ornithogalum dubium bulbs stored at 25° and 30°C for six weeks flowered from 14 and 17 bulbs, respectively, out of 22 and flowered earlier than when stored either at lower or high temperatures. The subgenus Aspasia is characterised by a smaller basal chromosome number, n = 6, and a reduced number of species 12, of which O. In (A) is an example of a polymorphic primer (S24) applied to 7 variants. - 0 ft. Dig holes and plant the bulbs 3" deep and 6" apart with the pointy ends facing up. Ideāla temperatūra labai augu augšanai ir no 15 līdz 20° C, bet arī augstāka temperatūra zvaigznei nerada problēmas. They are Perfect for planting in mixed borders, pots and containers. Als Schnittblumen eignen sich vor allem die südafrikanischen Chincherinchee (Ornithogalum thyesoides) und Riesen-Chincherinchee (Ornithogalum saundersiae). This is how you take care of the orange-colored daisy star. This genus has many species but is practically unknown in cultivation except for the more charismatic yellow and orange species. Ornithogalum dubium, commonly known as chincherinchee or star-of-Bethlehem, is a bulbous plant that belongs to the Asparagaceae family. 2. Az Ornithogalum dubium a természetes élőhelyben július-szeptember között virágzik. Blooming in late spring to early summer, the luminous blossoms open in succession from the bottom up. Ornithogalum dubium is an importantנץ החלב כתום. Water the plant so it is moist, but not soggy during the growing season. ) Mart. These plants will need fertilization once every two to three months during the growing season (spring and summer). - Origen:. Aims: Ornithogalum dubium is a natural host of the soft rot pathogen Pectobacterium carotovorum ssp. dubium are the most popular with their remarkable long-lasting white, yellow, and orange flowers. Flowering time: July-September. Hist. Tähdikit eli liljatähdikit eli valkotähdikit eli linnunmaidot ( Ornithogalum) on parsakasvien heimoon kuuluva suku, johon kuuluu 50 - 300 lajia lähteestä riippuen. 5-3 cm across, usually creamy white, sometimes orange (Ornithogalum dubium); ovaries yellow-green to black. Ornithogalum dubium bulbs stored at 25° and 30°C for six weeks flowered from 14 and 17 bulbs, respectively, out of 22 and flowered earlier than when stored either at lower or high temperatures. Blooming in late spring to early summer, the luminous blossoms open in succession from the bottom up. Sonstige Informationen: k. Varbūt arī ziemas dārzi un siltumnīcas. It can grow 12 IN wide 12 IN tall. dubium are the most. It prefers well-drained soils and full sun exposure. Ornithogalum dubium [White] is a broadleaf deciduous perennial bulb / corm / tuber with green foliage and white flowers in spring. Features. Fertilize star of Bethlehem once when the flowers start blooming. About Europe PMC; Preprints in Europe PMCgenus Ornithogalum, liliid monocot genus are the top synonyms of "ornithogalum" in English thesaurus. The integuments are biseriate. Each flower has six tepals and six stamens. Sugerimos ainda algumas formas de o utilizar em sua casa, bem como os cuidad. Ornithogalum dubium is a long-blooming, showy plant with beautiful large flowers, ideal for growing in pots, and as a cut flower. Dimensions: Height: 0 ft. It has a basal rosette of leaves that are oblong to lanceolate, spreading or suberect, and with entire margins, with a dense fringe of slender hairs. Az Ornithogalum dubium a természetes élőhelyben július-szeptember között virágzik. Dens pære er kugleformet med hvide til lysebrune tunikaer, og derfra vokser lineære og smalle blågrønne blade op til 20 centimeter i højden. 5k) $ 8. Ornithogalum dubium) je lukovičasta biljka porijeklom iz Južnoafričke Republike. Pronunciation of Ornithogalum with 2 audio pronunciations. Ornithogalum dubium in Kew Science Plants of the World Online. Dulcie A. Ornithogalum dubium is a popular ornamental monocot native to South Africa with flower colors ranging from pure white to deep orange. 6 Ornithogalum 'Dubium Orange' Star of Bethlehem Bulbs - Happy Orange Blooms, Butterfly Friend, Sun Lover, Resist Critters, Adds Cheer! (1. This is how you take care of the orange-colored daisy star. Sunlight should be filtered by a shade cloth or other material to avoid burning the leaves. L'exposition doit être ensoleillée ou mi-ombragée. Ornithogalum dubium is a long-blooming, showy plant with beautiful large flowers, ideal for growing in pots, and as a cut flower. These are actually hybrids of Ornithogalum dubium, a South African bulb. To grow well, it prefers sun - mostly sun and regular water. A több mint 20 kis virág sűrű, hengeres szőlőt alkot, rendkívül rövid stílusú. Growth Regulator: Doesn’t require regulator in areas with high light intensity. dubium using particle bombardment. 5 cm), adorned with a green stripe on the reverse. Ornithogalum dubium is a not hardy variety of the milk star, which is maintained in this country as a houseplant. carotovorum (Pcc). Steckbrief und Pflege-Infos schließen -. Moyennement rustique, Ornithogalum dubium peut-être tenté en culture extérieur en. Tas ir tas, kā jūs rūpējaties par oranžas krāsas margrietiņas zvaigzni. Củ của nó hình cầu, với áo chẽn màu trắng đến nâu nhạt, và từ nó mọc ra những chiếc lá màu xanh lục hơi xanh và hẹp, thẳng và cao tới 20 cm. Ornithogalum Dubium – available as a cut flower between December and May. This genus includes about 200 species, of which O. 5 cm), adorned with a contrasting bead-like black eye. 3-8 blade på gullig grøn stilke, 10-25 cm lange. L. Familie: Spargelgewächse (Asparagaceae, Unterfamilie Scilloideae) Verbreitungsgebiet: Südafrika. bianco, rosso, verde e giallo. Production of quality potted Ornithogalum dubium Houtt. Ornithogalum dubium is een zonnige ster op de tafel. This one has the unlikely handle of Chinkerinchee, and if you think that’s no easier than remembering the. Ornithogalum dubium, common names sun star, star of Bethlehem or yellow chincherinchee, is a species of flowering plant in the family Asparagaceae, subfamily Scilloideae. Production of quality potted Ornithogalum dubium Houtt. Strengthening of developing country institutions F. To assess the ability of commercial plant growth-promoting products to enhance the positive effects of this environment, two products containing beneficial soil bacteria and a product containing plant extracts were tested on. This genus includes about 200 spe-cies, of which O. Two very important issues which were stated inthe original objectives ofthe research plan remain to be dealt with. Ornithogalum dubium, an important geophyte species, was used to characterise the potential of phloroglucinol as the sole plant-like hormone in a tissue culture experiment. Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time. Tähdikit Wikispeciesissä. umbellatum is a relatively short plant, occurring in tufts of basal linear leaves, producing conspicuous white flowers. Ornithogalum dubium White is a broadleaf deciduous perennial bulb corm tuber with green foliage and white flowers in spring. Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time. Once flowering has ended, reduce watering to a minimum. Katso myös. Velikostně jde o středně velkou rostlinu – 3-8 listů, 5-20cm dlouhých, s květenstvím 40-60cm. Ideāla temperatūra labai augu augšanai ir no 15 līdz 20° C, bet arī augstāka temperatūra zvaigznei nerada problēmas. . More stems viable from bigger bulbs. Extensive c ross-spec ies hybridization was performe d to expand the range o f na turally. Find the perfect ornithogalum dubium image. dubium Cloning of the OMY constructs In vitro multiplication and transient transformation of 0. Mutatós, narancssárga virágai a tél végén akár 1-3 hónapig is díszítenek. Pyrenaicum is a frost-resistant species with a height of 40 cm. Zum Pflegen des Milchstern, Ornithogalum Dubium gehört das richtige Gießen, Düngen, ich sage euch zudem wie oft Ihr gießen und Dünger nehmen müsst und gebe euch Tipps zum Standort, der. The Ornithogalum dubium should be watered sparingly The right care of Ornithogalum dubium. Ornithogalum dubium stammt aus Südafrika und ist nicht winterhart. Gene editing based on the CRISPR/Cas9 system has recently been. Llegan a ser de variadas tonalidades, entre ellas naranja, blanco y rosa. This bulbous plant grows 100-500 mm tall. is a bulb flower with worldwide distribution and unique underground organs. Production of quality potted Ornithogalum dubium Houtt. Květy jsou seskupeny do latí a jsou složeny ze šesti okvětních lístků ve tvaru hvězdy. Ornithogalum umbellatum, commonly known as star of Bethlehem, is a bulbous perennial that is native to the Mediterranean region. As an attractive perennial plant, the orange star plant grows between 12” and 20” (30 – 50 cm) tall. Ornithogalum dubium este o planta cu bulb care se cultiva in ghiveci si in gradina. Harmful if eaten. What’s flowing out of the pot’s hole must be removed after a few minutes. The orange star plant (Ornithogalum dubium) is a bulbous plant in the hyacinth family Scilloideae. The bulb is nearly globose, 25–45 mm in diameter, with whitish, papery outer tunics. 430_63 regulation of the gravitropic response of cut ornithogalum ‘nova’ spikes during storage and transport in horizontal positionThis technique has been applied to obtain transgenic plants of tulip (Wilmink et al. Ornithogalum dubium: popis, kultivary, návody na pěstování a množení a prodej. Ornithogalum dubium Pflege erfordert einen hellen Standort, regelmäßiges Gießen ohne Staunässe, Düngung vor und während der Blütezeit, Zurückschneiden verblühter Blütenstände und Entfernung gelber Blätter. It prefers well-drained soils and full sun exposure. A több mint 20 kis virág sűrű, hengeres szőlőt alkot, rendkívül rövid stílusú. Dubium is not as hardy as the other varieties so best to plant in pots and protect over winter. Width: 0 ft. Bushy. dubium, commonly called star of bethlehem, were first introduced to the market as cut. Correct. Different species grow well in different zones. . [3]Ornithogalum dubium is a long-blooming, showy plant with beautiful large flowers, ideal for growing in pots, and as a cut flower. 10,5 cm (Ornithogalum dubium) kaufen bei. später Knollen herausnehmen. De Ornithogalum (dubium) behoort tot de familie van de Hyacinthaceae (Liliaceae) en omvat zo’n 260 soorten verspreid over. Water thoroughly after planting, soaking the soil to. Ornithogalum dubium Metadata This file contains additional information such as Exif metadata which may have been added by the digital camera, scanner, or software program used to create or digitize it. 2. Leight. The new cultivar is the result of controlled crossing that started with the crossing of the commercial variety Orni thogalum thyrsoides Jasq. Bushy. This winter-growing species enjoys full sun. 21 (stage A; ST-A) during bulb storage and then bulbs were potted. saundersiae, and O. Potentially harmful. Centrul florii este de culoare închisă, şi fiecare este însoţită de verdele bracteelor . The Latin specific epithet dubium means dubious or unlike others of the genus. Comment arroser un ornithogalum Dubium ? Supportant l'ombre légère, l'ornithogale douteux aime cependant 3 à 4 heures d'ensoleillements par jour. Standort: sonnig; Substrat: Kakteenerde oder mineralischer Mix mit Bimskies; Gießen: während der Wachstumszeit an- aber nicht austrocknen lassen; die ruhenden Knollen nur sporadisch gießen; Düngen: monatlich bis zum Öffnen der. Ornithogalum is a genus from the Hyacinthaceae (Asparagaceae) family that comprises about 200 species with remarkable white. Though the taxonomy of these bulbs is a bit murky, they are currently considered members of the asparagus family. Those lifted in Autumn/Winter normally bloom in late April to the end of May. Orange Star Plants produce upright spires of beautiful, lightly fragrant, yellow to orange cup shaped flowers. Ornithogalum dubium, with its dark flower centres, is adapted for pollination by monkey beetles. Ornithogalum: Espécies; Ver texto: Outros projetos Wikimedia também contêm material sobre este tema: Imagens e media no Commons: Diretório no Wikispecies: Ornithogalum thyrsoides. The ovule of Ornithogalum dubium is anatropic, bitegmic and crassinucellate. It is also quite drought-tolerant and is. In vitro multiplication and transient transformation of O. Ornithogalum dubium este o specie recomandata pentru gradinile din zonele temperate. הבצל מכיל רעל המתפוגג בצלייה. Ornithogalum dubium, an important geophyte species, was used to characterise the potential of phloroglucinol as the sole plant-like hormone in a tissue culture experiment. Arrosag. . Add to Wishlist. Florists sometimes refer to the three, tongue in cheek, as “florist’s nightmares. It is a South African (Cape Province) endemic. It’s one of the South African Ornithogalums, and they’ve got a different common name. The lack of an efficient genetic transformation system for Lilium has been an international obstacle. Ornithogalum umbellatum, flowers in April and May and when growing in favourable conditions forms carpets of low-growing foliage, topped with numerous white, starry flowers. It is a bulbous geophyte and grows primarily in the subtropical biome. Wearing gloves is recommended when handling the plant. Be sure to choose a container with adequate drainage holes. Ornithogalum regale (Hilliard & B. All parts of the plant are toxic to humans, cats, and dogs. Veľmi zložitý názov, však? No poďme k ďalšiemu. thyrsoides were filtered and competent cell clusters (2–3 g) were placed on wet filter paper discs in 55-mm Petri dishes. Plants reach about 12 to 20 inches (30 to 50 cm) in height, and leaves are. Additionally, a 12-year analysis of the Dutch Poisons Information Centre database additionally reveals that ingestion of Ornithogalum plant material can be potentially life-threatening to. It was found that the timing of transformation with respect to light exposure of the tissue affected transformation rates more than other tested parameters, which exposed an efficient platform for gene function research and germplasm improvement in O. Leight. Betlehem csillaga, narancsszínű sárma gondozása. Description Description This bulbous plant grows 100-500 mm tall. Le sol de votre jardin doit surtout être bien drainé et riche. Chincherinchee should be grown in direct sunlight and cannot abide temperatures below zero, so only when danger of the. The flowers are star shaped, borne in dense clusters. Cava un hoyo y planta los bulbos a una profundidad de 15 centímetros y a una distancia de 15 centímetros. Ornithogalum dubium, orangefarbener Milchstern aus Südafrika - ein lizenzfreies Stock Foto von Photocase. Mag. deep (7-15 cm) and 4-6 in. Ornithogalum dubium, common names sun star or star of Bethlehem, is a species of flowering plant in the family Asparagaceae, subfamily Scilloideae. Each stem bears up to 16-20 starry. Een bijzonder bolgewas oorspronkelijk afkomstig uit Zuid-Afrika (Tafelberg aan de Zuidkaap). 1. Dinu Cristina Silvia Stoicescu Anghel Adriana-IulianaEl Ornithogalum dubium it is a bulbous herbaceous perennial native to South Africa. 2 °C (10 °F) Maximum recommended zone: Zone 9b. Planta en otoño en un suelo orgánico, rico en humedad y bien drenado para que florezca en primavera. dubium are the most popular with their remarkable long-lasting white, yellow, and orange flowers. Wet legs will cause rot. Remove all foliage below the water line and place in a clean container filled with cool water and, optionally, floral preservative. Ornithogalum magnum (Star of Bethlehem) is a bulbous perennial boasting huge, upright, pyramid-shaped racemes packed with small, star-shaped, white flowers, 1 in. Wild O. Mature plants have a central silvery stripe on the leaves. Sie finden hier Tipps zu ihrer Pflege und Vermehrung. O antúrio é reconhecido até mesmo por quem não tem familiaridade com jardinagem. Depending on the authority, the number of species that belong to this genus varies considerably between 50 and 300. Ornithogalum species are known to be poisonous. Water lightly until top growth emerges, then moderately during the growing season. It has beautiful orange flower clusters in USDA zones 7–11. Ornithogalum dubium Houtt. The flowers are light yellow. Plant the bulbs in autumn in a sandy, well-draining medium. Varbūt arī ziemas dārzi un siltumnīcas. Elle a besoin d'au moins 4h de. Cibuľa sa vyberie z pôdy, aby nezamrzla. Ornithogalum dubium: This species features orange flowers and reaches only around 10 inches tall. Moderate. Like many other spring bulbs, the foliage turns brown and the bulbs go dormant in mid-summer. Những bông hoa được nhóm lại. Ornithogalum dubium is one of about 150 species of bulbous perennials scattered from the Mediterranean region to South Africa, the home of this species. The record derives from WCSP (data supplied on 2012-03-23 ) which reports it as an accepted name (record 283153 ) with original publication details: Handl. Manning & Goldblatt (syn. V našich podmienkach sa najčastejšie pestujú nemrazuvzdorné druhy. dubium. M. thyrsoides and O. All parts of the plant are toxic to humans, cats, and dogs. Plant your bulbs in a well-draining, sandy soil. Ornithogalum dubium is a popular ornamental monocot native to South Africa with flower colors ranging from pure white to deep orange. pentru florile n stea ,comparate. Here, BTH was applied to cell cultures of the bulbous ornamental plants Ornithogalum dubium and O. Ornithogalum dubium. thyrsoides, O. Hazai körülmények között nem télálló, érzékeny a fagyokra, itthon elsősorban virágzó szobanövényként tartják, de nyáron akár a szabadba is kiültethető, ebben az esetben, ősszel, még a fagyok. Pon los bulbos el Ornithogalum con las partes puntiagudas. How to Propagate Ornithogalum Dubium. é um gênero da família Asparagaceae. Methods and Results: Several calibration steps were required to. Ornithogalum dubium, commonly known as chincherinchee or star-of-Bethlehem, is a bulbous plant that belongs to the Asparagaceae family. £ 8. Sie finden hier Tipps zu ihrer Pflege und Vermehrung. Minimum cold hardiness: Zone 7b -15 °C (5 °F) to -12. £ 8. Can you plant a Sun Star plant outside? Due to their small size, they are considered a perfect fit for indoor pots and planters, but you can also grow them in outdoor gardens. by Asparagaceae. Other resolutions: 193 × 240 pixels | 387 × 480 pixels | 619 × 768 pixels | 825 × 1,024 pixels | 1,972 × 2,448 pixels. bianco, rosso, verde e giallo. Water thoroughly after planting, soaking the soil to. dubium. Een leuk idee om zelf te bloemschikken met Hydrangea en. Delivery: Mid. Experimental2. Piena zvaigznes atrašanās vieta. Ornithogalum dubium, commonly known as chincherinchee or star-of-Bethlehem, is a bulbous plant that belongs to the Asparagaceae family. La planta ornithogalum u ornitógalo, su nombre popular, tiene su origen en Asia, África, Sudamérica y parte del Mediterráneo. Ornithogalum Dubium. Fertilize star of Bethlehem in late spring after the last of the flowers fade. St. Ornithogalum Arabicum (Arabian Starflower) Also known as ‘wonder-flower’ and ‘star-of-Bethlehem’, or Chincherinchee. I am using a mix of potting soil, lay granulate and coarse sand (1:1:1). Arabicum Ornithogalum, also known as Star of Bethlehem, is an ornamental plant that is native to the Mediterranean region. Name status. (Asparagaceae) led to the isolation of five undescribed steroidal glycosides together with two known ones. Ornithogalum alticola F. dubium plants grown in a phytotron at 32/27ºC (day/night) began flowering after 90 days, and those grown at 17/12ºC produced first flowers only. These. De Tafelberg aan de Zuidkaap is overigens de enige plek waar de Ornithogalum dubium in de natuur groeit. Ornithogalum dubium likes a well drained substrate. Ornithogalum Botanik. A particularly striking deep orange-red, large-flowered, citrus-scented form from the Nieuwoudtville district is illustrated, along with details of its history, taxonomy and. The flowers from the Ornithogalum genus usually go by the common name Star of Bethlehem. Mix 1/2 teaspoons of balanced fertilizer -- look for 10-10-10, 14-14-14 or 20-20-20 -- in 1 quart of water and then pour it over the soil around the base. When the flowers wilt toward the end of summer or fall, the seed pods start to ripen and turn brown.